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10 Year Anniversary GNAQ Discovery

Tuesday, May 23, 2023
12:00 am11:30 pm

What can $10 buy? Two tall lattes at Starbucks®? A combo meal at your favorite fast food restaurant? Or, a $10 recurring monthly donation, in honor of the 10-year anniversary of GNAQ R183Q discovery, to The Sturge-Weber Foundation will last longer than 15 minutes it takes for you to drink your morning cup of joe—and it is guaranteed to help more people!

It’s been 10 years since GNAQ R183Q was discovered but there is still so much to do! Will you unite with us to find “what’s next” in SWS research?

Click the Donate link below, then on the donate page, click Recurring Donation, Click Other Amount, and type in $10. You can choose the date your donation is given each month. Complete the rest of the form and you are done.

Every dollar, no matter the amount, goes a long way to help us reach our goals in research, patient support, and spreading awareness. Help us support our patients, caregivers, and researchers today!