Professional Organization Conferences:
Mark your calendars for our upcoming CCN/SWFIRN Meeting! More details coming soon. We invite doctors, clinicians, researchers, and especially medical students, fellows, and early-career professionals interested in learning about Sturge-Weber syndrome and connecting with experts in the field.
The 2023 SWF SWFIRN / Clinical Care Network Conference: Sturge-Weber Syndrome: Moving Translational Science Forward Into the Clinical Realm, was held on September 14-17, 2023 in Charlotte, NC
If you are a fellow or junior and would like to work with us to learn more about Sturge-Weber syndrome, please contact us. We have virtual meetings throughout the year to benefit our medical and research communities.
THANK YOU to all our generous speakers who donated their time and expense to attend this event: (listed in order of speaking):
- Karen Ball, SWF CEO and Founder
- O'Reilly Family
- Brian Moseley, MD
- Jeff Loeb, MD, PhD
- Biswajit Maharathi
- Matt Shirley, PhD
- Nathan Lawson, PhD
- Connell Family
- Sana Nasim, PhD
- Sarah Oikemus, PhD
- Feben Messele, MS2
- Anna Pinto, MD
- Csaba Juhasz, MD
- Kristina Juhlich, MD
- Luis Sandoval, PhD
- Mike Onken, PhD
- Francesca Galeffi, MD
- Osama Harraz, PhD/Virtual
- Kimihiko Banno, MD, PhD / Virtual
Thank you to Duke Medical School and Doug Marchuk for sponsoring the welcome reception.
*Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by (1R13NS134286-01) from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke (NINDS). The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of @nihgov; nor does mention by trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.