The Sturge-Weber Foundation Kimmi's Sunflower Fund

Purpose: To assist individuals and/or families with non-reimbursable expenses such as travel, lodging, and food while seeking consultation or medical treatment for Sturge-Weber syndrome-related medical matters.
Eligibility: Applicant must have a Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) diagnosis or suspected SWS diagnosis in an individual.
Award: Up to a one-time $500 per applicant/family.
Kimmi’s Sunflower Fund was established by Kimberly Slater in her estate planning and facilitated by her family to honor individuals who battle Sturge-Weber syndrome and seek the best medical care and attention. Kim was a fantastic Sturge-Weber syndrome Warrior who passed away after a valiant fight against cancer. She was a highly effective advocate for patient empowerment and an unending source of hope and inspiration! Kim always had a kind word to say and a luminous smile. She loved sunflowers and Broadway and never missed a chance to attend whenever time and health permitted. Kim was indefatigable until the end and overcame all odds as she had done all her life with her loving and supportive family, who always cheered her on in her endeavors and health issues.
Application Process: To apply for the SWF Clinical Care Network (CCN) stipend, submit a letter below explaining your current medical issue and how the funds will be used to support you. Once the committee reviews your application, they'll let you know if you've been awarded the stipend. It's a simple process, and we're here to help if you have any questions along the way. If accepted, please be prepared to send us verification of the appointment date, receipts for expenses including but not limited to flights, hotel, mileage, tolls, parking, and a letter from the doctor or summary of the appointment. We're looking forward to receiving your application and hopefully being able to help you address your medical needs.
Eligibility: Must be located in the United States and have an appointment within the United States.
Fill out the form below and include your letter, or you can mail the letter to:
The Sturge-Weber Foundation
Attn: Kimmi’s Sunflower Fund
6105 S. Main Street, #200
Aurora, CO 80016
Note: One scholarship fund award per family. Cannot be combined with any other scholarship. Please let us know the address you would want the check sent to.