Asha Reine was born June 8, 1999, at 5:15 a.m. We and the staff at the hospital thought her skin discoloration will fade as she grows. Here in the Philippines, less is known as SWS. We went home the next day. Then after 2 weeks, her tummy grew like a balloon, and she was confined for 3 weeks. Still SWS not detected. On her 11th month, she is shaking. None of us thought it was a seizure, and how dangerous it was if prolonged. Tests were scheduled, but because both of us have no work...it took some time for CT Scan to be done.
After her 1st birthday, someone sponsored the test and it showed her left brain is smaller. Prescriptions were given, but not many explanations about SWS.
We all gave Asha all the love, care, and support she needs. She knows the power of prayer at a very young age she grew up playing with her friends and went to school. She may be late or slow in some academic skills. But she is amazing in most ways we never thought she would understand. She is great too on jigsaw puzzles
Trials came along as she grow up. We ask for help whenever. Because medical care here is expensive. And I may say from experience, some are heartless, even some of the hospital staff.
When she was 15 she was seen by an ophthalmologist and requested several eye tests. Again her tests were seen by different people. Because we are lesser than less. Results came and she was diagnosed with glaucoma and needed an eye laser ASAP.
No matter how hard I try to control my tears, I can’t help it. I said to myself, my dear Asha is having another challenge in life and where will we get the money? She was just looking at me as I cry, then she hugged me. I was somehow ashamed because she was the one comforting me. She is so brave, faithful and so positive in life. She told me “Mama, all will be fine, Jesus is with me always and He will help me. I will make jewelry and let’s post it on Instagram so we can raise funds. And I am okay don’t worry. All will be fine.” She was also a former Make-A-Wish kid. And after her wish was granted. She viewed to grant wishes every December. She said it is her gift to Jesus. She wanted them to feel how she felt when her wish was granted.
Since the pandemic, we are all having a hard time raising funds for all her medical needs. Tests need to be done. She has a sponsor in America who sends all the dolls she uses.
In all the adversities; trials. God is always with us. And He never fails to amaze us with His miracles. All we pray for and ask God is for Asha to stay healthy, happy, and strong. She dreams of going to America someday. And we believe by God’s grace...SHE WILL.
Thank you so much, Ms. Julie.
God bless you.
Watch more of Asha’s story on YouTube.
And follow her on Instagram: @ramireginareine