Be Ready!
Woke up at my usual 2:30 a.m. "call to listen" time last night! “Be Ready” popped in my head and it was off to the races!
Be Ready. For what, when, how, and why?
My second thoughts were of how Kaelin has so inspired me the last 2 years as she has lost over 135 pounds and been an exercising fiend! The course is a lil older it’s taking me a lil longer to lose some weight but the scale is inching downward. Then, I thought of our dear one in Australia, Mandy, who not only has a child with bi-lateral SWS, a young son, a busy family and oh yes cancer came to call! I know she will knock it out of the park as she tackles all of life with gusto and a salty sense of humor. Be Ready. One never knows when life will throw you a curve ball or a moment of celebration!
2021 gives all of us the opportunity to start anew and Be Ready for all that the new year will bring to us. Sturge-Weber syndrome in our lives and the stranger invasion from the public that a Port Wine Birthmark generates in many ways keep us ready for anything. Truly though we can’t be ready for EVERYthing but with planning and discipline we sure can do our best to be ready for SOMEthing! I know I’m able to keep showing up because y’all have my back and uplift all of us with your presence! I pledge to do better at becoming physically and mentally stronger so if y’all need me I’ll BE READY!
I am so proud to launch our latest development campaign in January. A Million Miles for Routes to a Cure Campaign is the tip of our spear and will encourage physical and mental health renewal. It will raise critical funds as the research is EXPLODING with animal models and new therapies and we can celebrate fun opportunities to connect around the world.
Care for the Caregiver is our partner program to bolster a Million Miles to get to the next level of patient and family support in tandem with fostering crucial research. In the coming days, look for announcements on key corporate partners stepping up to take the lead as we continue to care for you!
We also start the New Year with two new Board of Directors. Steve Emmons, Key Bank VP Commercial Banking in Aurora, CO will serve as the incoming Treasurer after Steve Peltier’s stellar term has come to an end. The Peltier family invested in our mission and kickstarted SWS research initiatives which we will be forever grateful for! Steve Emmons comes to SWF with a lifetime of not-for-profit service and we appreciate Jim Gilbert for making the introduction. Molly Speers has been a longtime volunteer and Myla’s Mission fundraiser. She lives in Greensburg, IN with her family and is inspired by her daughter, Myla, who was diagnosed with SWS.
Be READY! Here we come with the same level of enthusiasm and tenacity as always and hopefully by the end of 2021 we will all be a few pounds lighter and healthier with a Million Steps behind us! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
With faith, love, and hope,