Love is in the Air at Command Central!
Love is all around us all year long and not just on the marketing industry’s favorite day of the year on Valentine’s Day! Y’all know I’m a hopeless romantic and have an unending love for people of all shapes and sizes and nationalities. They fascinate me and never cease to amaze me! This is why this journey with Sturge-Weber syndrome in our lives has been the ride of a lifetime. As you can see, my home office isn’t palatial or grand. Just a 'lil room in my home that gives me inspiration and is filled with memories of gratitude. Sure, there are some people who say I need to project a certain image as a CEO and they may be right! I’d rather underpromise and overdeliver and be comfortable in my own skin and leave the pomp and circumstance to those who need it or do it best. What’s important is that what I have delivered in 35 years is proof that success can come with hard work, fiscal responsibility, and sharing the love along the way!
I am so blessed to have dined in President Ford’s home, been invited to the White House by President Clinton, met war heroes, talked with homeless people, and danced with a 92-year-old man in a 'lil Dominican Republic village. Love can always be present in each interaction and sharing between one another. The kindness of helping a worn-out mama wrestle a toddler having a meltdown on the floor…been there done that I’ll lend a hand kind of love! The repartee standing in the grocery store line sharing a moment of whine time that we now must pay for grocery bags, and I remember when moments lol! Watching Shimone cut a rug on the dance floor! Walking around Disney World at the crack of dawn Candela raced to share laughter and 'can you top these antics' while we raised money for SWF while Kirk was chasing Derek to the ATM machine Derek wanted to use! Putting a Sand troopers’ helmet on my head before Princess Leah and Darth Vader got married at a Star Wars convention or hob-knobbing at the Brown’s golf tournament at the oldest golf club in the USA.
I was cleaning out my office desk drawer and the memories and love flowed out with every picture viewed and every note of love and gratitude re-read. Yes, y’all I’m a pack rat too and a sentimental slob who doesn’t need Valentine’s Day to be reminded to cherish love whenever and wherever it comes. You encourage me to remain open when life sends painful moments and people who inflict hurts on my heart! We expand the circle of love whenever we come together and unite in our strategic efforts to defeat SWS and improve our lives.
One chance and then it all ends. Not to be a downer but having just endured a painful loss I’m VERY aware of the clock ticking ;-) Sooooo, roll up your sleeves, and let’s get to work and wear those hearts on your sleeve too! Easier to spread the love, laughter, and compassion that binds us. Easier to fill up our hearts with love too which helps us endure the good times and bad. I’m ready to hit the road and spread the love at Myla’s Mission (Indiana), Reunion of Champions (Louisiana), UC Irvine Educational Summit (California), Running with Sharks (New Jersey), and several other stops along the way. Can’t wait to share the hugs and catch up!
Happy Valentine’s Day! I Love y’all
Faith, Hope, and Love,