Meet Morgan. She is a Sturge-Weber Warrior.
She had her first seizure at six months old. As a toddler, her seizures would knock her to the ground, but she always got back up.
Today, Morgan still has frequent seizures, which get in the way of the things she likes to do, but she always rallies and gets back up. Now 13, Morgan loves basketball, acting, violin, singing, dancing, riding her bike, hanging with friends, and watching Disney movies.
Like most teenagers, she wants her independence, but the seizures make it difficult for her to have the freedom she desires.
Two years ago, Morgan received a seizure alert service dog, Marimba, from 4 Paws for Ability. Marimba alerts others when Morgan has a seizure which allows Morgan to sleep and play alone in her room for the first time ever.
When Morgan was seven, she had a seizure in a swimming pool at summer camp. This was a scary event for everyone, and thankfully, she made a full recovery. Today, thanks to the Epilepsy Foundation, Morgan can safely attend summer overnight camp, allowing her to safely experience many typical teenage rites of passage. She still loves to swim and play in the pool. Morgan is truly resilient!
As a middle school 6th grader, Morgan struggles with many delays academically, cognitively, and socially. Morgan has a one-to-one helper at school to keep her safe and to keep her on task. The hope is someday Marimba can go to school with her to provide Morgan with even more independence.
Morgan is a happy girl who just wants a normal teenage life. We try to make sure seizures and delays don’t mean Morgan has to miss out on all the fun life has to offer.
Morgan is fierce, and a warrior! Not today Sturge-Weber syndrome!
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