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From the Desk of Karen Ball

SWS Seasons

Who We Are

Seasons like SWS Come and Go with Trepidation and Anticipation

Seasons like SWS Come and Go with Trepidation and Anticipation 

Drifting peaks of glistening white snowflakes and frozen vistas.  I LOVE winter! Of course, probably more so since I don’t have to get out and battle morning traffic everyday ;) We have another snowstorm blowing into the mountains and to a lesser degree in town this weekend. There is a palpable feeling of anticipation and angst at the same time. I’m also feeling a lil sad as the cozy cocooned like feeling I get when sitting by a crackling fireplace is about to give way to emerging Spring blossoms and green grass. This last storm will be cherished but I do have to admit the promise of Spring entices me too!! There is a tinge of excitement for the warmer temps which make way for renewal and new beginnings too. 

The change of seasons is like our journey with SWS. Each new medical manifestation brings angst and hope for a resolution. There is discontent that things aren’t progressing like we would like them to and determined searches to find solutions. I always champ at the bit for answers through research with the little funding we have and while we try to find more research funding! One day at a time that’s all we have and to focus on the next season and not be present for the one we are in is fruitless! 

It has been a busy winter for The SWF and all our wonderful volunteers and families. Our families have had tears of joy and sorrow flow for new achievements and things that will never come to pass. We have all hunkered down and weathered the winter season with tenacity and hope. Our scientists are still plugging away on their projects, and we have been in communication with new researchers with novel ideas to research glaucoma and the brain.  

Hope, like the upcoming Spring season springs eternal as we look toward the future and sunny days ahead! Sending you best wishes for a wonderful season overcoming obstacles and celebrating all things new and exciting. No matter the reason or season, seek joy and give thanks! Smile through the tears and laughter and together we WILL overcome and renew to face another day!  

P.S. Y’all come out to Myla’s Mission in May and let’s connect on the Zoom chats…I LOVE seeing y’all and hearing from you! 

With faith, hope, and love, 

Karen Ball
President and CEO
The Sturge-Weber Foundation